Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment
At Dentista, owing to our latest technology, equipment and expertise one can breeze through one of the most dreaded dental procedures with unimaginable ease!!!
Root canal treatment involves treating the infected pulp tissue in the tooth. Infection of the pulp can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks and chips, or repeated dental procedures. Symptoms of the infection can be identified as visible injury or swelling of the tooth, sensitivity to temperature or severe pain in the tooth and gums.
A tooth has three layers enamel, dentin and pulp. When the cavity is deep and infection has reached the pulp, Root Canal Treatment has to be done. In Root canal treatment all the infection from the tooth is removed and all the canals in the root are cleaned and medicament is placed. The tooth is sealed so that no infection seeps in after Root Canal Treatment.
After performing Root Canal Treatment, the tooth becomes weak and brittle. That’s why post Root Canal Treatment crown is very important to protect the tooth.
Now-a-days even badly broken teeth can be saved by Root Canal Treatment by rebuilding with metal or white fiber post n core followed by a crown.
Root Canal Case 1

Root Canal Case 2 (Endodontic Re-treatment )

Root Canal Case 3